Sunday, September 23, 2012

Miss Madison Gets Stitches!

I have been dreading this moment since I first became a parent! I was at work for only the 2nd day of the new school year and my mom was calling my cell phone. I thought it was kinda weird, but thought maybe she didn't remember when I got off, etc.  The moment I picked up the phone I knew something was wrong! She was trying her best to stay calm and collected...probably so I wouldn't freak out! But long story short, Maddie had been in the shower with my sister Jessica after an afternoon of swimming and tripped getting out! My mom said there was a lot of blood and was pretty certain she needed stitches.
I left work within like 10 seconds and headed to urgent care to meet my parents.  Since Steven was coming even further from work, he wasn't there when we were admitted into a room but THANKFULLY, my step dad was there because I about lost it!
Madison was quite the trooper despite being tied down to keep her from moving.  She wasn't even screaming...which made it even harder, just asking the doctor to "please stop giving her stitches." Talk about a heart breaker!  I almost fainted (I know, bahaha) from having to stand right by her face through the entire thing, and I'm not exaggerating.... I got super sweaty and clammy and the nurse busted out the "smelling salts." Madison ended up with 4 stitches right underneath her chin and enough stickers for a small army, and daddy got to be the hero as he came rushing through the door right as the doctor finished the last stitch!  I am sure it won't be our last time in urgent care with our little ones, but I am hoping I don't have to do anything like that again for a LONG TIME!
My biggest girl, right after her stitches!
The Damage..
 Up Close & Personal (We had to take pictures because she couldn't see them herself in the mirror)
And So Excited 1 Week Later After Getting Them OUT!!
Mommy's Treat-Chocolate Milk & Cake Pop
from Starbucks!

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