Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Back to Reality...Welcome September!

Since Steven and I are both teachers, we pretty much "fly by the seat of our pants" all summer which is fantastic! But once September comes around,  its back to the good old schedule!
Madison just started her second year at "The Learning Tree" preschool in Chino Hills! She did so well in the 3-year old class last year that the teachers recommended she move up to the 4-year old class this year,even though she doesn't turn 4 until the end of December and has two years before she can start kindergarten (excuse my bragging mamma moment but I am just so darn proud of her). Madison loves her school and her teachers- Miss Heather and Miss Brenda, and most of the kids from her class last year are in her class again this year.
On the first day of school her teachers invited the parents to stay for the first 30 minutes and do some activities with our kids.  I had such a fun time with Madison completing her "back to school" scavenger hunt. Miss Heather ended our time together by reading the book The Kissing Hand.  The story talks about  a little raccoon who doesn't want his mommy to leave (talk about a tear jerker...I really had to suck it up) and then had the mommy's and daddy's trace their hand and had the kids kiss it and keep it in their backpacks in case they missed us during the day!
Here are some pictures from our photo shoot prior to her first day of school and her first day....

 1st Day of Pre-K!
Mommy & Maddie Before School!
 Cowboy letter sorting...
 Pasting Patterns...
 Listening to Miss Heather read...

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